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Observing a movie choreography rehearsal

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Minhun Kang

I attended the choreography rehearsal of a film I’m involved in as a music staff member.

It was crucial to observe the choreography to catch the direction and mood of the arrangement in more detail.

The choreography was directed by two of the country’s top musical choreography experts, which was very dynamic and energetic.

After analyzing the choreography, I felt the need to slightly modify the direction of the arrangement.

Firstly, arranging the bassoon melody in the introduction more rhythmically and progressing the main melody with the oboe and clarinet seemed like a better approach.

While I was tempted to arrange it more elaborately to match the lively atmosphere, it was necessary to incorporate comedic elements fitting the choreography’s mood, with appropriate restraint considering the background situations of the surrounding scenes.

Overall, it seems necessary to emphasize the melody and rhythm of the woodwind section to enhance the dynamism.