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Vicky宣宣 - Polaris Of The City

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Strings International
Minhun Kang

Virtual Instruments Used

  • Chris Hein Ensemble Strings
  • Tokyo Scoring Strings
  • SWAM Solo Violin

Album Introduction

“The skirt dances lightly again in solitude, being beautiful is not her fault.”

Lyrics: Vicky宣宣
Composition: Vicky宣宣
Arrangement/Guitar: 何弦
String Production: Minhun Kang @ Aim Strings
Artist: 不过期乐园
Film: 水表君


是云是雾 是尘是霾 (Shì yún shì wù shì chén shì mái) Is it clouds, is it mist, is it dust, is it haze

是悬崖边上的倒带 (Shì xuán yá biān shàng de dào dài) It’s like a rewind on the cliff’s edge

火烧上来 沉默的爱 (Huǒ shāo shàng lái chénmò de ài) Burning up, a silent love

对你的爱之外学会另一种爱 (Duì nǐ de ài zhī wài xuéhuì lìng yī zhǒng ài) Learning another kind of love beyond my love for you

在风之外 试探过来 (Zài fēng zhī wài shì tàn guò lái) Beyond the wind, trying to approach

无法抵抗麻痹自己说这并不坏 (Wúfǎ dǐkàng mábì zìjǐ shuō zhè bìng bù huài) Unable to resist, numb myself and say it’s not bad

错乱的迷恋错说成告白 (Cuòluàn de míliàn cuò shuō chéng gàobái) Confused infatuation, mistakenly spoken as a confession

在这无人聆听无人知的意外 (Zài zhè wú rén língtīng wú rén zhī de yìwài) In this unexpected situation where no one listens and no one knows

我是个灯火流丽的都市里 (Wǒ shì gè dēnghuǒ liú lì de dūshì lǐ) I am a star in a glamorous city

无人需要的一颗星 (Wú rén xūyào de yī kē xīng) A star that no one needs

歪斜的字迹 像笑得狰狞 (Wāixié de zìjì xiàng xiào dé zhēngníng) The crooked handwriting, like a sinister smile

只能硬将世界关成静音 (Zhǐ néng yìng jiāng shìjiè guān chéng jìngyīn)

身上背负着谜底 (Shēnshang bēifùzhe mìdǐ) Carrying a mystery on my back

被恶人欺凌后又抛弃 (Bèi èrén qīlíng hòu yòu pāoqì) After being bullied by villains and abandoned again

他处心积虑 她满目疮痍 (Tā chù xīn jīlǜ tā mǎnmù chuāngyí) Elsewhere, he schemes while she is covered in wounds

只剩女孩千疮百孔的心 (Zhǐ shèng nǚ hái qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng de xīn) Only a girl’s heart full of scars remains

逃过海啸 爬上树梢 (Táoguò hǎixiào pá shàng shùshāo) Escaping the tsunami, climbing up the treetops

再怎样别掉进你的怀抱 (Zài zěnyàng bié diào jìn nǐ de huáibào) No matter what, don’t fall into your embrace

我是玫瑰 是百合花 (Wǒ shì méiguī shì bǎihé huā) I am a rose, I am a lily

但他人依旧无人能懂吧 (Dàn tārén yījiù wú rén néng dǒng ba) But no one can still understand

我是个灯火流丽的都市里 (Wǒ shì gè dēnghuǒ liú lì de dūshì lǐ) I am a star in a glamorous city

无人知晓的北极星 (Wú rén zhīxiǎo de běijíxīng) A North Star that no one knows

微光照无明 四处是暗影 (Wēiguāng zhào wúmíng sì chù shì ànyǐng) Dim light shines in darkness, shadows everywhere

像压抑黑洞与漩涡中心 (Xiàng yāyì hēidòng yǔ xuánwō zhōngxīn)

生命是否仍美丽 (Shēngmìng shìfǒu réng měilì) Is life still beautiful

我想我的身体已经废弃 (Wǒ xiǎng wǒ de shēntǐ yǐjīng fèiqì) I think my body has been abandoned

早已讲不清 没有了意义 (Zǎoyǐ jiǎng bù qīng méiyǒule yìyì) I can’t explain anymore, it has no meaning

污染中悄悄燃烧的 悲凉之意 (Wūrǎn zhōng qiāoqiāo ránshāo de bēiliáng zhīyì) The hidden sadness burning in pollution

我是个灯火流丽的都市里 (Wǒ shì gè dēnghuǒ liú lì de dūshì lǐ) I am a star in a glamorous city

无人需要的一颗星 (Wú rén xūyào de yī kē xīng) A star that no one needs

痛苦的记忆 不想再提及 (Tòngkǔ de jìyì bùxiǎng zài tíjí) Painful memories, I don’t want to mention them again

也不能怪他人无能为力 (Yě bùnéng guài tārén wúnéng wèilì)

生命是否仍美丽 (Shēngmìng shìfǒu réng měilì) Is life still beautiful

另一个我早已备受怜悯 (Lìng yīgè wǒ zǎoyǐ bèi shòu liánmǐn) Another me has long been pitied

绝望和叹息 鲜花与荆棘 (Juéwàng hé tànxī xiānhuā yǔ jīngjí) Despair and sighs, flowers and thorns

沉默中独自绽放的 璀璨繁星 (Chénmò zhōng dúzì zhàn fàng de cuǐcàn fánxīng)

沉入海底 (Chén rù hǎidǐ) Sinking into the depths of the sea